AWS Database - Quick Reference Mindmap

There are many databases and data store services are available on AWS. You can use this mindmap decision tree to remember and quickly decide which data base can be suitable for your architecture.

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Please note that this analysis was done in Sep-Oct 2023. Any change after that is not updated in the diagram. Parameters are compared based on highlighted features. For a project, there can multiple other factors like integration with other services, data size, backup strategy, availability, backup time for high volume etc. So don’t follow this blindly. You also need to have prior basic knowledge to understand the terms.

This diagram contains brief introduction of following services

  • Aurora
  • Neptune
  • Elastic Cache
  • MemoryDB for Redis
  • DynamoDB
  • DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
  • Keyspaces
  • Quantum Ledger DB (QLDB)
  • Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
  • TimeStream

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Amit A free-thinker who values equality, embraces creativity, and believes every problem has a solution—it's just a matter of better design.